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The Sexual Violence Outreach Program is currently working on a number of projects to help serve Cumberland County. 


1) One project that is currently underway is the development of Sexual Violence Navigation Tools. Cumberland's Inter-Agency Committee on Family and Sexual Violence are meeting regularly to develop resources that will help coordinate sexual violence services in the County, as well as provide information to victims/survivors about where they can access support.


2) the Sexual Violence Outreach Program is working on developing Infographics that will provide clear, concise information about where victims/survivors can access support following an assault. Posters will be located throughout Cumberland County.


3) Planning will soon be underway for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April 2018). If you or your organization would like to be involved in planning or attending events/workshops, contact us.





1) In April 2017, the Sexual Violence Outreach Program, the Sexual Health Centre for Cumberland County and Maggie's Place Family Resource Centre worked together to deliver a two-day consent workshop to an after-school program for girls. During the workshop, we had conversations about consent, and the girls developed a stop-motion movie on this topic.


2) The SVOW participated in an Auditing Panel with the Amherst Police Department, to review "Unfounded" cases from past 5 years. You can read more about this initiative here.


3) Collaboration with NSCC's LPN and Social Services Programs - a total of 4 students have worked with the SVOW as part of their school placements.



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